By Jacqui Cheng
Threats against others on the Internet are just about as surprising as the sky being blue every morning. But some threats are more serious than others, and the list of victims seems to be expanding as more of the unwashed masses general public gets online. Online marketers are one of the newest groups to join that list, and once again, we are faced with questions about how much regulation is necessary in online communities to keep the peace without stepping on users' freedom of expression...... click here for the entire article.
As a victim of Internet Defamation and now a survivor of it, Jacqui Cheng completely articulated the way many people feel as they are being attacked online - and comically, we usually call them "nutjobs!"
Since my victory in court with a jury verdict for damages (over $11M) of what one woman did to my family, my organization and myself online, I receive emails on a daily basis from people that have become victims of malicious attacks. It is time to fight back - as I continue to work with my Florida Senator, we are meeting with our Congresswoman very shortly to help pave the way for a safer Cyberspace.