After I won an unprecedented jury verdict for damages done to me online of $11.3M - this has brought me into a new chapter of my advocacy. As a parent advocate, I educate parents on a loosely regulated industry some call - teen help residential programs and schools.
After a horrific experience with my own teenager, I become a voice to create awareness to others so they didn't make the same mistakes I did.
Now with this new chapter of Internet Abuse and Cybersafety - I have meet with my Florida Senator several times and we just meet with our Congresswoman.
I am very confident positive changes will be made to create a safer cyberspace - help to make people accountable - and reduce cyberbullying through new legislation.My new position has put me in a public light, and I plan on using it to help others.
I am contacted on a regular basis from victims of the Internet harassment as well as many media outlets. This is now a topic that is not going away anytime soon.Visit my Podcasts on E-Venge. My official website is http://www.suescheff.com/